If You’re Incarcerated and Got a Relief Check, The IRS Wants Their Money Back
Many across the country have already received their stimulus checks, but we know that some people got money that the IRS didn't mean to send. After all, some people got checks who aren't even still alive. The was such a rush to send the money out that the IRS may not have double-checked all their information.
Now, the IRS wants anyone who is in jail who got a check to send the money back.
The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus rescue package was signed in March, and the checks were quickly sent out soon after. In most cases, anyone who filed income taxes in 2018 or 2019 got a check. Some have questioned why this is the case. CBS reports that he IRS hasn't explained what legal authority it has to get the money back.. However, the IRS's website mentioned the Social Security Act, which bans those behind bars from receiving certain benefit payments.
Is this right? Should you keep the money even if you're in jail, or return it?
The IRS hasn't reported just how much money went to those incinerated. Of course, with so many Americans incarnated. it will be difficult to determine just how many checks went out to people in jail.
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