Group of People Caught Having Tailgate Party in New York State
This is certainly not what they mean by flattening the curve. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, some still ignore the advice. A group of people were caught tailgating at a closed golf course outside Syracuse Wednesday. One county executive feels they should be fined or even jailed.
Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon called the gathering at the Radisson Golf Course "ridiculous".
Let’s not be stupid in ways that we know better. We don’t want to have to be in a situation where we have to deal with these things. They’re ridiculous.
McMahon took it further, and even gave the green light to law enforcement to "make an example" of large social gatherings, according to New York state social distancing orders carry civil penalties, such as fines or short jail sentences. Of course, it's a bit of a gray area, as news and mandates continue to change on a daily basis,
As of March 26, the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Onondaga County is 111 and rising.
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