Hudson Valley Cops Will Take an Extended Coffee Break Wednesday
Local police officers will be enjoying an extra long cup of joe this week.
Police will be sipping some coffee and hanging out to answer questions or just talk with residents in an informal venue.
The idea is part of national Coffee With a Cop Day on Wednesday, October 2. The annual event is dedicated to encouraging "communication and positive interactions between law enforcement agencies and the public."
Started in 2016, National Coffee With a Cop Day has become a yearly event on the first Wednesday in October. COPS Office director Ronald L. Davis says that the simple act of drinking coffee with an officer can have a major impact on the community.
Coffee with a Cop is community policing at its core. The simple act of having a cup of coffee with community members can be the first step in increasing trust and cooperation between the police and the people they serve,
Various events will be held throughout the hudson Valley, including one at the McDonald's on Route 17M in Monroe from 10 am to Noon. In a release, the Village of Monroe says that there is no agenda and there will be no speeches. Instead, attendees will be able to ask questions, raise concerns and get to meet police officers from their neighborhood.
You can contact your local police department to find out if they are also participating in this year's Coffee With a Cop Day.
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