One Of New York State’s Most “Infamous” Bridges Hit Yet Again
While it may sound a bit redundant, a bridge in New York state that has been hit multiple times has been yet again. The latest collision happened around 10 AM Tuesday morning, according to officials. WNYT reports that even the flashing signals installed to alert drivers have done little to stop the impacts.
A Town Supervisor said back during the summer that the New York State Department of Transportation has been working to implement an "over height detection system" to hopefully avoid further crashes at this location.
One Of New York State's Most "Infamous" Bridges Hit Yet Again
WNYT reports that the Glenville Bridge was struck yet again by a box truck late Tuesday morning. The railroad overpass, that has been the site of many crashes through the years, was referred to as "infamous" by the news affiliate. No injuries were reported.
More Vehicles Hit this Bridge Over Any Other One in New York State
According to the Greenwich Time, the King Street bridge on the border of Rye Brook, NY and Greenwich, CT., where the Hutch becomes the Merritt Parkway, has been struck more times than any other bride in the state of New York.
The Times said in 2019 that the bridge has been struck almost 150 times in just the past ten years.
See Also: Truck Crash on New York State Thruway Scatters Shampoo & Debris All Over Road
Steps have been taken in recent years to put more warnings on the face of the King Street bridge, and more signs on I-287 to warn trucks from getting on the Hutchinson Parkway. However, according to data collected by the state Department of Transportation and the Thruway Authority, vehicles struck bridges in New York state at least 344 times in 2021.