No word on who left the mysterious message spotted at Poughkeepsie's Waryas Park.

Not since the phenomenon of the crop circles in England has there been such a mystery as the one here in the Hudson Valley surrounding a message discovered along the banks of the Hudson River. What's it say? How did it get there? Who is responsible? Many questions remain.

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Waryas Park in Poughkeepise is set on 9 acres at the foot of Main Street, along the Hudson River. Its always a popular destination for City of Poughkeepsie residents in the summertime to gather with families and hang out for the day as the park offers pavillion, with grills, picnic tables, a playground and public restrooms. There is also a boat launch and dock for those living the boating life. Live music often is a part of weekend activities at Waryas Park including the annual River Fest which which was revived in recent years, after a long hiatus.

What's the Mysterious Message Say at Waryas Park?

Photo credit: The Rutigliano Archives
Photo credit: The Rutigliano Archives

One photo obtained by The Rutigliano Archives shows the message left in the snow at Waryas Park from afar and its hard for us to determine exactly what it says.

Photo credit: The Rutigliano Archives
Photo credit: The Rutigliano Archives
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A second photo that we obtained gives a much closer view of the message, but we still can't seem to determine exactly what the message says. Another interesting observation is that there doesn't appear to be any footprints around the area where the message was left, further asking the question of how exactly did it get there? A strange phenomenon perhaps made by Supernatural Forces? Your guess is as good as mine, but for now I guess this will remain another Poughkeepsie Mystery.

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