Wappingers Falls Once Banned Anyone from Long Island From Buying a House?
Can a town prevent someone from buying a house?
If you spend time scrolling through social media as I do, you already know that sometimes it can lead to you going down a "rabbit hole" trying to find information on or about something you've noticed while scrolling. If it hasn't happened to you yet, consider yourself lucky...LOL.
It happened again to me just the other day and I'm wondering if anyone might have an answer.
Facebook Groups are Extremely Entertaining
If you're looking for some interesting conversation between neighbors, you have to check out the local groups on Facebook. These groups have almost every Hudson Valley town covered and most times they are full of all kinds of topics.
East Fishkill
I was on the East Fishkill page the other day and came across a thread that was talking about how if and when there is a problem in town almost everyone blames it on "city folk". The post asked, "Who exactly are the city folk?"
The answers started nice enough but then got out of control, so much so that the admin of the page had to shut down comments...LOL!
One comment stood out to me. It said, "Yes all city folk are to blame. Especially city folk who don’t fall in line with how we do things up here. Fun fact #212 Village of Wappingers had a moratorium on selling your house to a Long Island buyer up until 1979." The commenter went on to give a few more interesting reasons why city folk are to blame....but is that Wappingers statement true?
Did the Village of Wappingers have a moratorium on selling your house to anyone from Long Island?
I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find any trusted information saying that the statement is true so if anyone is familiar with Wappingers history and has info to share please do so by sending it to me at CJ@HUDSONVALLEYCOUNTRY.COM. I did find that back in the 1950s and 1960s was when the area really saw a spike in "city folk" taking over. The new residents were a result of employees of IBM moving into Dutchess County.
Olympic Torch Once Came Through Wappingers
Another fun fact I came across while burrowing down the rabbit hole was that back in 1980 while the Winter Olympics were taking place in Lake Placid NY, the Olympic Torch passed through Wappinger traveling up Route 9. Town officials held a ceremony at the corner of Old Hopewell Road and Route 9 to officially welcome the torch according to the Town of Wappingers website.
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