Soda Cans Strewn Over Parkway After Crash In Lower Hudson Valley
If you happened to be traveling on the northbound side of the Hutch Tuesday, you may have run into a bit of a mess that backed up traffic. The Westchester County Police Department shared on their Facebook page that a truck hit a low bridge, causing a large amount of aluminum cans to spill all over the Hutchinson River Parkway. Police say the accident happened near King Street. At the time of their post, police say they had been able to reopen one lane of traffic, but still encouraged drivers to take an alternate route.
From the posted pictures on Facebook, you can see hundreds of cans strewn all over the road, causing heavy delays. It almost appears to be cans of Coca Cola at first glance, though a few commenters claim it's Mountain Dew Kickstart. The truck may have been traveling the road illegally, for commercial vehicles are not allowed on parkways.
Again, these are some of the random hazards you have to avoid when on the roads. You can't always predict what's in your path. In January. a disabled tractor trailer spilled heavy dairy cream all over the southbound side of Route 9 during the morning rush. How about barrels of hay? Yes, according to officials, a truck carrying hay struck an overpass on the New York State Thruway, in early January, which then spilled out all over the road. The Rockland Report posted the pics of the spill on their Facebook page, as the accident lead to long delays.
But then, we had this little incident on I-287 back in June 2016. NBC NY reported that day that a truck carrying deli meat collided with another truck carrying bread on the southbound side in Piscataway that morning. Luckily, the collision didn't result in any injuries, though the road must have resembled like one giant messy sandwich.
But that's still not as bad as this. In December 2018, a manure truck overturned and spilled four and a half thousand gallons of liquid manure into a nearby ditch. The crash happened in the Wyoming County town of Covington, in the western part of the state. Officials say that the driver had tried to turn on to a road when the truck flipped, causing about half of the truck's payload (lol) spilling all over the ground and in a ditch right off the main road.Yuck. The Daily News says HAZMAT crews were luckily able to stop most of the flow of s**t before it reached the nearby Pearl Creek.
So, whether it's hay, soda cans, thicky gooey cream, or even a flowing river of liquid s***, watch the roads, and travel safely.
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