This Monday is April 1. April Fools' Day. It's my least favorite holiday because I hate always looking over my shoulder. And that's how I feel on April Fools' Day. But this year, there's something cool to do on this dreaded day.

Celebrate April Fools Day with laughter at the Ethelbert B. Crawford Library at 479 Broadway in Monticello this Monday, April 1 at 6 pm as Big Sky Productions presents a hilarious evening of “Shorts & Sweets for April Fools.” It's an  evening of wild and crazy jokes and short stories for an adult-only audience.

Big Sky Productions Artistic Director Carol Montana and longtime Big Sky contributor De Lois “Cookie” House will provide the readings, while special guest Patti Greco Sunshine will treat the audience to some silly songs.

Following the show, enjoy some sweet treats provided by the Friends of the Library. Admission is free. For additional information, call the Library at 845-794-4660 or visit the event facebook page.

Listen to the Boris & Robyn Show weekday mornings from 6AM to 10AM on 101.5 WPDH. Stream us live through the websiteAlexa-enabled deviceGoogle Home or the WPDH mobile app.

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