Pit Bull on Walk Escapes, Brutally Attacks Hudson Valley Girl
A Hudson Valley girl was brutally attacked when a woman walking her pit bull lost control of the animal.
Pit bull lovers all claim that their beloved pet wouldn't hurt a fly, but time and time again we see stories of otherwise docile animals suddenly losing control and unwittingly putting others' lives at risk. Sadly, the scenario played out again in Fishkill this week when a pit bull mauled a 14-year-old girl who was out for a walk.
All dogs, no matter what breed, are prone to turning violent. While a poodle or dachshund won't do much damage, a pitbull can easily kill a human if the unfortunate happens. According to Fishkill police, a large pit bull was being walked by its owner near Geering Park this week when it spotted the young victim. The animal broke free from its owner and "immediately started attacking the girl."
The woman walking the pitbull sprung into action and put her own life at risk in an attempt to protect the girl. Throwing her own body over the child, the owner tried to shield the 14-year-old from the pit bull. Unfortunately, the dog wasn't deterred and continued to attack both the owner and the young girl.
The incident continued until 911 was called and the Fishkill police arrived on the scene. According to reports, officer Ray Maeang was able to grab the dog and pull it off the victims. Maeang pinned the attacking animal to the ground until another officer arrived and was able to restrain the dog.
The 14-year-old victim and the dog's owner were both transported by EMS to Mid Hudson Regional Hospital with what has been classified as "significant injuries." The girl was later transported to Westchester Medical Center for additional treatment.
This certainly isn't the first Hudson Valley pit bull attack. In 2017 a pit bull viciously attacked a Hudson Valley toddler. That incident was caught on tape. A year later, there were two more attacks in Sullivan County, with one of the pit bulls attacking a woman walking three dogs, killing one of the animals, and injuring the dog walker. In 2020 a one-year-old child was attacked by a pit bull in the lower Hudson Valley.
Some local groups, like Pitbull Lovers Against Ignorance, are working to change the perception of pit bulls and generally object to the publishing of stories about tragedies like the ones listed above. Other pet lovers insist that it's important for pit bull owners to understand that their pets, like any other dog, can unexpectedly snap. Knowing the animal's potential for danger is something all responsible pet owners should take into consideration.
An investigation into the incident is ongoing. In the meantime, the animal is being housed at Dutchess County SPCA. It's unknown at this time if it will be put down.
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