Lawmaker Wants to Designate Bigfoot Hunting Season. Would This Work In the Hudson Valley?
*** Video above is from Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot show ***
Yes, this is an absolutely ridiculous question. However, the part about a state Representative wanting to establish a hunting season for bigfoots is a real thing. KTUL is reporting that Representative Justin Humphrey of Oklahoma is pushing a bill that would designate a hunting time for the fabled Sasquatch, and is looking for help from the Oklahoma Wildlife Commission.
So he wants to set aside a set of regulations and guidelines for an animal that doesn't exist? Or does it? Rep. Humphrey seems to think so.
And while most associate the so-called Bigfoot sightings and accounts with the Pacific Northwest, New York state actually ranks very high when it comes to sightings.
Bigfoot in New York State
According to the Travel Channel, New York comes in at fifth in the nation for Bigfoot sightings. Only Washington, California, Pennsylvania and Michigan rank ahead of the Empire State for Sasquatch activity according to these findings.
From reports in Cairo in Greene County, to Hyde Park, to Rhinebeck, and many others, Bigfoot sightings have been on the rise across the state in recent years. Add in a pandemic, which kept more people indoors over the past year, and now you'll have more people claiming they're seeing things they can't explain.
It is so prevalent, that there's even a group called Bigfoot Researchers of the Hudson Valley. Check them out if you get a chance. Definitely a lot of interesting accounts.
Bigfoot is Real?
But if it were all true, would we need to set aside a time of year for hunting these animals?
Nature and open land in New York State is abundant, so hunting is a big deal already. Would you want to take a shot at a creature that some eyewitnesses have described as large and robust, territorial, and also standing over 8 feet tall? Also, take into account the vast terrain and wilderness across the Hudson Valley, where and animal like that could hide and utilize?
And while thousands of people across the country have claimed they've encountered the mythical animal, most within the scientific community still feel there are more rational explanations, or flat out dismiss the claims all together. Some big sightings have been proven to be hoaxes.
And again, even it were true, why would you actually want to hunt a newly discovered species that some have dubbed a "missing link"? Wouldn't you want to help preserve the species? We could probably learn a lot from these creatures and how they live.
Then again, humans can't can't along long enough with each other.
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