It's back! The WPDH Memorial Day 500 is this weekend.

Last year you may recall, we ditched the WPDH Memorial Day 500 Countdown so that we could bring back another annual WPDH tradition for the first time in over a decade, the WPDH Top 1015 Countdown. Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" returned to the top pf the list on that countdown, reclaiming the number 1 spot.

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Ian Dickson, Getty Images
Ian Dickson, Getty Images


The Top 1015 was a massive undertaking, taking over a week to complete if memory serves me correct. This year, we've decided to go back to the traditional WPDH Memorial Day 500. Songs you've requested and the biggest rock anthems make up this year's countdown compiling the ultimate rock ranking of the 500 greatest rock songs of all time. We'll be kicking off the countdown this Friday afternoon, May 24 at 3 pm and continuing all weekend right up through Memorial Day Monday, May 27.

Who Will be Number 1?

A lot of times with the countdowns each year, people seem to think that the number 1 song is definitely going to be Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" when in fact that isn't always the case. It was however number 1 last year as we mentioned. Will it return to the number 1 spot this year? Who knows?

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Getty Images


All we can tell you is that the number 1 song on the WPDH Memorial Day 500 seems to change up each year. I remember a few years back, the number 1 spot was held by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' "I Love Rock n Roll". In previous years, even Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog" held the number 1 spot, as has Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird". Regardless, It will be interesting to see what lands at #1.


Tune in all Memorial Day Weekend Long to the Memorial Day 500 Countdown Presented by Millhouse Brewing Company, proudly distributed by Dutchess Beer Distributers.  Download the PDH Mobile app and take us with you wherever ya go this weekend. You don't wanna miss a minute of it!

Top 100 Classic Rock Artists

Click through to find out how they stack up, as we count down the Top 100 classic rock artists.

Gallery Credit: UCR Staff