What Are Those White Vehicles Doing Along Side of New York State Thruway
What are those white vehicles with the yellow lights doing along the side of the New York State Thruway? Photo radar testing?
The cars have been seen parked along I-90 for the past several weeks. What gives?

Gary Johnson called the Thruway Authority in Albany to find out if they were running radar to catch people speeding.
The person on the phone said, "I do know, but give me a second, I don't know if I'm allowed to say yet." She came back about 90 seconds later and said, "There is testing being done and those are our contractors doing the testing. You can watch for news from the Thruway in the next couple of weeks."
Same Call, Different Story
When we called to ask, we got a different story, or should I say no story at all. After being transferred twice, I was asked to leave a name, the news media I represented, and a number where I could be reached. That was almost a week ago.
So, are they really photo radar testing? One driver said her GPS alerted her to speed monitoring ahead. Another said they already received a fine. "I exited Canastota over 40mph and they had the violation already on my EZ pass."
Several cities in Arizona have photo radar. Get caught violating a traffic law and you'll get a fine sent in the mail.
Speed Cameras in Work Zones
Speed cameras were placed in all work zones along the Thruway as part of a pilot program. Legislation S.4682-B "establishes the efficacy of using automatic speed monitoring systems for enforcement."
The bill was signed by Governor Kathy Hochul on Labor Day 2022.
“The general idea is to get people to slow down in work Zones," said co-sponsored by Senator Tim Kennedy. "There were dozens of catastrophic injuries and deaths last year in the state of New York across the country.”
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Operation Hard Hat
New York State Police have been trying to get drivers to slow down in work zones with Operation Hard Hat. Troopers have been busting speeders with radar guns by dressing up as workers in construction zones.
Cameras Outside Work Zones?
The pilot program is said to expire after 5 years. But from the looks of things, speed cameras could be expanding to all along the NYS Thruway, not just in work zones.
We'll continue to wait for a return call to confirm what the white vehicles are really doing on the side of the road.
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