Toddler Riding With Parents Has Unexpected Surprise for NY Police
There's a lot of things going through an officer's mind when they make a traffic stop. Sadly, sometimes seemingly routine stops can become tragic, so tensions are always a little high when an officer first approaches the side of an unknown vehicle.
You never know what's going to happen.
Needless to say, New York State Police certainly weren't expecting something like this when they pulled over a vehicle in New Scotland, the Capitol Region, Thursday. The Times Union says that when the troopers approached the vehicle that they pulled over on Route 32, they found the butt ends of smoked joints in the ashtray.
There also happened to be a 3-year-old girl in the back who was not in her child safety seat. NBC says that when one of troopers questioned the driver, the little girl reached under the seat in front of her, and pulled out a bag of marijuana and a smoking pipe.
The 33-year-old mother and a 26-year-old man were both arrested for child endangerment. The Times Union says the girl is with relatives.
While the decision to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in the state of New York looms on the ballot this election year, letting your 3-year-old handle pot is not the best idea.