Make your plans now to experience the fall colors of the Hudson Valley.

This week, trees throughout the Hudson Valley have begun to really show off their colors. According to "color spotters" across the region, many local areas are quickly approaching peak foliage and are expected to be their best this weekend. Those who have been putting off getting a good look at the fall colors should make plans to get out and enjoy the show over the next few days.

Orange and gold leaves are at 85% change in the Goshen area of Orange County right now and trees are expected to be a full color by this weekend. Kingston is at 95% color, while Poughkeepsie and Beacon are just below peak right now while other Dutchess County areas have just reached full color.

Some rain showers on Friday morning have the potential to bring down leaves, but mild temperatures on Saturday and sunshine on Sunday will provide great weather to get out and see all the reds, oranges, golds and purples of fall. Luckily, for those who live in the Hudson Valley, a long drive into the woods isn't necessary to appreciate this year's spectacular foliage.

Neighborhoods, local parks and even residents' own back yards have all been transformed into a glorious celebration of color. Incredible views of the foliage are around every corner and can be seen in just about every town throughout the Hudson Valley.

Do you have a favorite place to view the annual foliage? Let us know where the most scenic color changes are taking place in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

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