Should Baseball Be New York’s Official State Sport?
When you think about New York sports, what teams come to mind right away? For me it's always the New York Yankees. When it comes to being the most successful New York sports team, the Yankees have it covered. But we can't leave out the Mets since they've been outstanding the past few years.
A New York state senator, with a little help from a group of fourth graders, has proposed that Baseball be the official sport of New York. Legislation was proposed by state Sen. James L. Seward of Cooperstown New York. In his proposal, Seward stated, "Baseball has always been known to be as American as apple pie. It is a sport loved and watched on by many, and this legislation is a means of honoring all that this iconic sport has done for the people of New York since its origination in Cooperstown in 1839."
Seward was inspired by the fourth grade class of Cooperstown Elementary School who sent him letters proposing baseball be the official sport of New York. Their teacher Anne Reis told Auburnpub.com that she was doing a history lesson on state designations like state bird or state animal and then had her students brainstorm other ideas.
The class found out that Massachusetts has two state sports: basketball is the official sport while volleyball is the official recreational team sport. The students then wrote persuasive essays to Seward focusing on the importance of baseball to Cooperstown but also the economy. Clearly, it worked.
What do you think the official sport of New York State should be?