Poll Workers Needed in Dutchess & Ulster for Election 2020
Love politics and helping others and you can do it while wearing a mask or face covering? This year more than ever, election workers are needed at polling locations across the Hudson Valley.
The workers are historically older Americans, but with them being more susceptible to contracting Covid, the need to replace those election workers is ten fold this year. Another reason more poll workers are needed is because New York is now participating in early voting.
If you are interested in being a poll worker, you will need to be a registered voter. Certain students over the age of 17 will also be eligible to participate, the Board of Elections can give you the additional details.
According to the New York State Board of Elections, here are a few of the tasks you could be asked to do during your shift:
- Prepare the polling place for voting
- Set up the voting equipment
- Sign-in and process voters
- Enforce social distancing
- Demonstrate voting procedures to the voters
- Sanitize voting equipment
- Close the polling place
- Canvass and report the results
- Assist voter if requested
Plus, you will be getting paid for the day.
The dates you will be needed are varied but will be between the dates of October 24, 2020 to November 1, 2020 which is the NYS Early Voting period and then on Election Day, November 3, 2020.
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