Northern Hudson Valley 3-Year-Old Falls From Third Story Window
Investigators say a toddler fell three stories after the child's mother fell asleep.
It's every parent's nightmare. a 3-year-old child was unsupervised and fell out of the window on the third floor.
According to CBS, the Columbia County child was helicoptered to Albany Medical Center and has a possible broken ankle. Aside from the leg injury, the child is expected to be alright. As for the mother, investigators are still deciding whether to press charges or not.
There aren't many details released about the incident, aside from the fact that the mother was sleeping at their home on Main Street in Philmont when the child fell from the home. There were also other children in the house during the incident, all of them were 2-years-old and younger.
An eyewitness says that the child was playing on a bed next to an open window with no screens. After toys were thrown from the window, the witness says he saw the child fall to the ground.
Safety experts warn against keeping windows open, even with screens, if they are low enough to the floor or in front of furniture where toddlers can climb up and risk falling. This time of year is especially dangerous as the weather warms up and air conditioners are not yet running.
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