5 Nicknames Hudson Valley Residents Hate Being Called
From sweety to bro, is there a nickname you can stand being called?
Most days we all have interactions with people that we don't know personally and sometimes those interactions can lead to one person calling the other a name they hate.
Stop Calling me BOSS!
I was in Newburgh the other night and happened to stop into one of the convenience stores on Route 9W and after leaving the store I realized that there is a nickname that drives me NUTS!
First, this is in no way a slight towards the younger guy that was working at the store...LOL...but when I walked into the store he greeted me with, "how's it going boss?" Great I said, as I got done I went to check out and he asked: "did you find everything boss?" I sure did, I replied. He proceed to ring everything up and said, "$13.85 boss!"
I gave him a twenty and he counted to the change and said boss a few more times. In total, I think he called me boss at least 10 times!!
When I got my car I realized that I hate being called BOSS! Am I alone, does anyone else hate the nickname boss? Do you have a nickname that makes you cringe when someone says it to you?
Male Nicknames the Hudson Valley Hates
We will start on the male side with many guys from Kingston, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, and Middletown all checking in with suggestions. Frankie from Monroe texted, " I hate being called buddy, like if someone tells me, “what's up buddy?” I’ll cringe." Bro, brother, pal, and dude round out our male top 5.
Female Nicknames the Hudson Valley
Jes got us started on the Wakin' Up with Cj and Jess Show with her least favorite nickname....sweetheart, that's the one name that makes her skin crawl when someone says it to her. Michelle in Saugerties texted us, "Baby girl…ugh so annoying". Kris is Pleasant Valley said, "Hey darling. Listen, you're not Johnny Cash! 😡". Babe, love, and sweety rounded out our top 5 for females.
Did we miss a nickname you hate? Text us through the Wolf Country app.
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