Today Jimi Hendrix would have been 76 years old. Hard to imagine, isn't it? I mean, he died when he was 27, so he's eternally young. But in his short time here, he sure made an impact. Even kids way too young to remember Jimi Hendrix not only know about him, but they respect him. And how many guitarists have strived to be like Jimi Hendrix?

I was too young to see Jimi Hendrix in concert, but I did get to know his long time producer Eddie Kramer. Eddie lived in the Hudson Valley for a while, and was a frequent guest here at the radio station. We even became friendly over the years, and even hung out a couple of times. It was fun. Eddie always had some great stories to share. And he's still at it. This year was the 50th anniversary of Electric Ladyland, and Eddie remixed it for the occasion.

Jimi's music will live on forever, and somehow, it makes him live on as well. Happy Birthday to Jimi Hendrix, hopefully making music from another dimension.