A minor was tased by police in Beacon on Sunday. Police are now telling their side of the story after an explosion of outrage from family and friends on social media.

A teenager who some have claimed on social media has special needs was tased at the Tompkins Terrace apartments in Beacon after a confrontation with police. According to authorities, officers responded to the complex after receiving a call from someone claiming the unidentified 17-year-old had forced his way into their apartment and began attacking an adult in front of their two children

The official account of the incident by police says that the teenager was located in his own apartment but refused to talk, only briefly opening the door to officers before closing it again. After knocking again, another person answered the door. While talking with the individual, the 17-year-old suspect walked out of the door and right past officers.

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Police say they called out the teenager's name and attempted to speak with him. After following him and continuing to call his name to stop, the suspect kept walking and refused to engage. Instead, he walked toward the apartment of the person who called in the report and engaged in a "verbal altercation" with her.

According to police, that's when the teen pulled out a rock from his pocket and threw it at the victim's window. After missing the window, officers say the suspect yelled at the person again and attempted to take another rock from his pocket to throw again. That's when police say they intervened, tasing the 17-year-old.


Beacon police took the minor into custody and transported him to the station. The teen was evaluated by EMS and charged with Felony Burglary in the 2nd Degree as well as misdemeanors for Criminal Mischief, Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Attempted Assault.

Beacon Police stressed that the officers who responded were certified in crisis intervention and only resorted to using their taser after attempts to verbally engage with the teen and de-escalate the situation were unsuccessful. In a statement, officials defended the use of a Taser on the minor, saying that officers had no choice but to take prompt action to protect the alleged victim and small children who could have been harmed.

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LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state

Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.

Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state, as well as across the nation.

Gallery Credit: Elena Kadvany