The Magic of Making Music

It's no secret that music has a way of bringing people together. Whether you're playing in a band, singing in a chorus, or belting out that song at the bar or stadium with the whole crowd, there's something special about those vibrations bouncing off our eardrums.

Making music with others is something magical indeed, and Dr. Stephanie Hu-Corbett is making sure that her students get the most out of their musical journey, by encouraging healthy singing habits and building confidence through song.

She is the Artist Director and Music Conductor for Hudson Valley Voices in Harmony, a non-profit children's chorus started by Dr. Hu last year. It breeds the opportunity for young minds to come together and find their voice in a healthy and educational way, and gives them the opportunity to really hone in and improve their musical skill set.

Credit to HVVH Facebook

Connecting and Partnering

Dr. Hu's goal is to share the vision of HVVH with local school music programs, partnering with them, giving kids another musical outlet besides their in school chorus and band practices. A music teacher herself, she is not trying to compete with school music, but simply provide something different.

"I think that sometimes school days are limited with how much time you have. Just the constraints of being in a school day can be challenging. This provides something different outside of school, and there's more flexibility. Longer rehearsal times, more opportunities to perform elsewhere, etc. It is a traditional chorus, but also I'm trying to make it creative!" Dr. Hu told In Touch.

Vision is simple - Help students find their voice.

The mission of HVVH is clear: help kids develop and find their voice. This is no simple task, and some of her students have never even attempted to sing before. Dr Hu provides healthy and age appropriate vocal lessons and songs for children in first grade and up!

"Some of the kids are as young as third graders, and some of them have never even been a part of a chorus, since that normally begins in fourth and fifth grade in most schools. It was really exciting to see them learn multiple parts, and work together to make something amazing." Dr. Hu explained.

New program for younger singers!

Starting soon, HVVH is creating a new program for 1st and 2nd graders called Melody Makers, and it's much more exploratory. It is a true introduction to singing for the first time, and discovering their singing voice if they've never used it before. It's imperative to Dr. Hu that her students are exposed to a healthy vocal range for their age.

"What I hope to bring as a public school music teacher, and as someone who's passionate about healthy vocal singing, is what's age appropriate for them, and what range should they be singing in. So many kids are exposed to musicals and Broadway, and they want to be a star, but their voice may not be ready yet. It has nothing to do with their skills, their bodies are just developmentally not grown yet. Until you're in your 20's, your voice isn't fully developed." said Dr. Hu.

It isn't just about singing and doing all the showy things that come with a choral performance. Dr. Hu is aiming to build her students' musicianship, confidence, and most importantly teaching them how to work together, giving them a head start on their musical journey.

If your child is interested in joining Hudson Valley Voices in Harmony, you can visit them online at, or by e-mail at