Grandpa Mistakenly Left at Rest Stop on Hudson Valley Road Trip
An elderly man was discovered at a rest stop after his family mistakenly drove away without him while driving through the Hudson Valley.
The old man was left behind during a mixup when the car he was traveling in stopped at a rest area. After he got out of the vehicle to stretch his legs, the man's family got back into the car and continued on their trip through the Hudson Valley, unaware that the senior citizen wasn't back inside yet.
According to New York State Police, the family was already three hours away by the time they could be contacted.
Trooper TJ Conklin was the one who was dispatched to check on the stranded man at a rest stop north of Binghamton on I-81. He learned that the elderly man's family accidentally left him behind with no wallet, phone or any way to get in contact with his family.
Trooper Conklin attempted to track down family members on the Internet but ran into a brick wall when the contact information he found turned out to be incorrect. Eventually, Conklin was able to get a hold of some out-of-state relatives who were able to put him in touch with the driver of the car.
The trooper contacted the family just as they had realized the senior citizen wasn't sleeping in the back of the car as they thought. It turns out he had left his jacket draped over some baggage, which they mistakenly thought was him.
Because the family had already traveled three hours out of New York to a neighboring state, the Trooper volunteered to transport the man halfway from Whitney Point down to Roscoe, NY where they could all be reunited. After the long journey, the family and the trooper celebrated the reunion by enjoying dinner together at a local diner.
The New York State Police praised Conkiln for "showing compassion and working diligently" to help return the man to his family. Although the elderly man's identity wasn't revealed, we have confirmed that he was not, in fact, Kevin McCallister.
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