What’s better on a  warm sunny day than throwing your fishing line into the water, taking in the scenery and the sunshine, and waiting for the fish to bite? It’s a great feeling, but not everybody knows what it feels like. Some folks have never fished a day in their lives. Here’s a chance for you and your whole family to experience a day of fishing. For free!

The Dutchess County Federation of Fish and Game Clubs and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation are hosting a free Family Fishing Day at Overlook Park on Knights Lane in Poughkeepsie on Sunday April 24 from 9AM - 1PM. No fishing license? No problem! A New York State fishing license is NOT required for the free Family Fishing Day.

There will be bait and some rods available at Family Fishing Day, but if you’ve got your own gear, even better. There will also be hot dogs and soda available from the Dutchess County Federation of Fish and Game Clubs. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon with your family. Learn to fish if you never have, or enjoy one of your favorite past times for free.

Those of us who are old enough remember the old Andy Griffith show that starts out with that famous whistling theme and Andy and his son Opie about to enjoy a day of fishing. It always makes me think of happier and simpler times. Here’s your chance to have a happy and simple day with your loved one. Hope you get a bite.

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