Could New York Be Facing a Christmas Tree Shortage This Year?
There's no doubt about it, the weather in the Hudson Valley and across the United States, this summer has been wild.
Here on the east coast, we've been swimming in rain. Most people can agree that it has felt like it has rained every day in the Hudson Valley. We've had microbursts, tornados, and flash flood watches all in a few short weeks.
Unfortunately, our friends out west have had it worse. While they aren't getting doused in rain, they're battling some of the hottest temperatures on record. These high temperatures will be having a major effect on the 2021 holiday season.
According to ABC7 NY, the extreme heat out west is putting a serious damper on the holiday season.
Oregon Christmas Tree Farmer Matt Furrow, who owns and operates Furrow Farms told ABC "It's just really a bad time to be a Christmas tree farmer, probably the worst year we've had." His wife Dana added "We're sitting here watching trees that we've been growing for six-plus years. Every year you trim, fertilize, you have labor costs into that and you're watching them all die in one day."
How will that effect Christmas Trees in New York? Well, we're obviously not suffering through a drought. However, many of those trees that are sold in grocery store parking lots are shipped from our friends out west.
ABC reports that the extreme heat and drought will likely "result in fewer trees to choose from overall and higher prices this Christmas."
Better start saving up for your Christmas tree this year.
There are hundreds of local Christmas Tree farms around the Hudson Valley that you can support throughout the year and during the holiday season.
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Vintage Ornaments and other Christmas Things
The Hudson Valley's Rockefeller Christmas Trees