Police are seeking help after a Hudson Valley guitar theft was allegedly caught on camera. In a Facebook post on Friday, the Town of Ramapo Police posted a video of the suspected thief walking off with a nearly $2,000 guitar from Alto Music in Airmont. There are two men in the video and authorities believe both are involved.

The American Elite Stratocaster guitar was stolen at around noon on Tuesday, April 17th at the Route 59 location of Alto. Should you notice something that fits the description get posted on Craigslist or eBay, authorities should be notified. Anyone with information is asked to call the Ramapo Police Department Investigations Division at (845) 357-2400.

In addition to Airmont, Alto Music has other Hudson Valley locations in Wappingers and Middletown. Owner Jon Haber started out as an employee of the original Alto Music in the early 80s. He took over the company in '89. Since then he's turned Alto into one of the most respected music stores in the country.

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Bonus Video: WRRV Morning Grind