7 Hotels in Poughkeepsie, New York Ranked Worst to Best
A lot of people travel to or through the Hudson Valley region of New York. If you or a relative need to stay in the Poughkeepsie area then you might want to check out these hotel ratings.
The holidays are coming and people will be leaving the area but plenty of family and friends will be flying or driving to this part of the country as well. When you're planning a trip there are several things when planning that could cause you some stress. The price of gasoline could stress you out. Finding things to do once you get to your destination could add to that stress. One of the most difficult things to do when planning a trip is finding a safe and affordable place to stay. If you don't have family or friends to stay with then you'll have to rely on a hotel in the area.
We might love living in the Hudson Valley but it is pretty easy to forget how great it really is when you're here every single day. There are a ton of reasons to visit this area. You might not know this but the Hudson Valley region of New York attracts millions of tourists. The New York Times reports that this area sees roughly 25 million tourists per year.
These visitors need lodging and these here are 7 hotels in Poughkeepsie ranked from lowest to highest according to their reviews on Google. Have you been to any of these places before?
7 Hotels in Poughkeepsie, New York Rated Worst to Best
13 Top Rated Restaurants in Poughkeepsie, New York