135-pound Dog Injured Hiking in Hunter, Saved by Forest Rangers
A dog hiking the trails in the Town of Hunter needed assistance getting down over the weekend.
When the calendar flips and it's officially summertime, it seems like everyone is hitting the trails across the Hudson Valley. Even our 4 legged friends. Just like humans, unfortunately, our pets can hurt themselves while out enjoying the trails.
That's exactly what happened to a 135-pound Bernese mountain dog.
The Department of Environmental Conservation shares the information about the rescue mission in a press release earlier this week. In a statement, they wrote that on June 25th, 2022 at 9:30 pm that "Greene County 911 received a call from a hiker on the Pecoy Notch trail trying to find his friends to help with their injured dog. Hunter Police, Green County Sheriff's Office, and an NYSP Trooper drove to the trailhead and confirmed the presence of the subject's vehicle."
The Pecoy Notch trail, according to All Trails, is a 3.6-mile moderate hike.
By 10:30 pm, Forest Ranger Gullen had hiked about 2 miles up the trail and found the larger dog and the hiking group. With assistance from the group, Ranger Gullen used a camping hammock as a stretcher to get the dog to the bottom of the trailhead.

At 11 PM the group was joined by Ranger Jackson who helped carry the dog the last mile down and reached the bottom of the trailhead by 2 am.
This isn't the first harrowing dog rescue this week. A little further upstate, a 13-year-old-dog who had been missing for several days was found in a pipe deep underground. With help from an NYS Trooper the dog, named Lilah, was safely returned to her family.
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