Your Hudson Valley Dog Could Appear On New Holiday Themed Beer Cans
Ever wanted to see the loving face of your very own pooch on a 12 ounce can of beer? Well, now it can happen thanks to a special promotion. It's quite easy too. The NY Post says that beer giant Budweiser has teamed up with Dog Rates to put your dogs' face on a new Yuletide themed Holiday Buds cans. A number of local microbrews already use their own dogs as mascots for their various beers, so why not your own?
Budweiser sent out a tweet announcing their promotion Wednesday. To take part, all you have to do is simply tweet back with a photo of your dog with the hashtag #pupweiser. Budweiser even announced that some may even get a red and green can delivered to their home with their pups' face printed on the side.
See some of the dogs HERE.
This can be a perfect way to get your mind off an already stressful time of year, especially with all the additional negativity that 2020 has brought us. It doesn't matter the age of breed of your dog, all are welcome to participate. Once you're done with your can, you can put on the mantle or even hang from the tree as an ornament for sentimental value.
Of course, one thing we ask, is please don't give any of the beer to your pet. Alcohol is one of the worst things to give to your dog. Sometimes, around the holidays, we're tempted to feed our pups items from the table. There are a number of foods though that can make your dog very sick. Foods like chocolate, citrus, grapes and raisins, anything from the onion family, undercooked meat, salty and/or processed foods, gum, candy, macadamia nuts etc. can cause serious health issues for your dog if ingested.
KEEP READING: Here are 6 foods from your cookout that could harm your dog