The Hudson Valley smells like semen this week, but don't worry: it's supposed to.

Spring is a magical time of year. The grass is getting green, flowers are blooming, trees are... ugh! What's that smell? I think I'm going to vomit.

Yup, you can blame the semen tree for that. Of course, it's scientific name is Pyrus Calleryana. More commonly known as the Callery Pear, this tree has a beautiful white flower that blooms for several days in spring. These hearty trees are desired by landscapers because of their ease of maintenance and beautiful white blossoms, but homeowners often regret planting them after getting a whiff of their stench.

A. Boris
A. Boris

If you live in the Hudson Valley you've probably smelled this rancid tree over the past two days. The Callery Pear is now in full bloom, filling the air with a smell that some compare to vomit, fish or male ejaculate. You can blame the warm weather and chemical compounds called volatile amines. explains that two chemicals, trimethylamine and dimethylamine, are released by the trees on especially warm days. Similar to ammonia, these compounds stink up the surrounding area in hopes of attracting insects to pollinate the flowering plants.

Similar chemical compounds are found in semen and other bodily fluids, so that's why the smell may seem familiar. The good news is that the semen tree only releases it's nasty smell for a week or two, so just hold your nose and enjoy the beautiful flowers while you can. Pretty soon the blooms will be gone, and so will that nasty odor.

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