The stage had banners featuring George Washington on them. Why did thousands of Nazis right here in New York gather at MSG?

It's weird to think that thousands of American Nazi supporters gathered at one of America's most popular venues.

We live in a very different New York today. Now thousands will gather to protest Nazis.

If you have spent any amount of time on social media today then you have more than likely seen that there are two subjects trending. After a series of bizarre interviews, Kanye West and Nazis seem to be main topics of conversation.

SEE ALSO: See Poughkeeppsie's Racist Map from the 1930s

Nazis in New York

I came across an unbelievable post that I thought was fake. After years of fighting and almost half a million dead soldiers, how could Americans support the Nazi regime? It's hard to imagine but there definitely were several supporters here in the United States. After doing some research I was shocked to find out that this really happened.

According to the History Channel, almost 20,000 Nazi supporters rallied at Madison Square Garden in 1939. The rally took place about 6 months before Germany's Blitzkrieg strike against Poland. The speaker at the rally was reportedly interrupted by a Jewish man in the crowd but was stopped and attacked. History Channel also reported that the group that put on the event also had youth camps.

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