Sullivan County Bridge Repair Will Lead to Road Closures
We take bridges and roads for granted most of the time. As long as they are cleared in the winter, patched in the summer, we are happy to be traveling along, going wherever we need to get to next.
But, common sense tells you that at some point these same bridges and roads will need more than just a patch job to keep them safe. That's one of the many important things that the Departments of Public Works around the Hudson Valley take care of.
After some inspections, the Sullivan County Division of Public Works will be working to repair and rehabilitate County Bridge 425, near the intersection of County Road 54 (Mountaindale Road) and Silver Lake Road, which will require closing a portion of Silver Lake Road, Town Highway 40, in the Town of Fallsburg.
This work is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, July 23 and will keep this section of road closed for approximately 16 weeks. If you need to travel this area be aware that you the detour will take you onto Mountaindale Road to Greenfield Road in the Village of Woodridge to Silver Lake Road.