Some may forget, but New York state has more ski resorts than any other state in the country. These resorts offer visitors a number of recreational activities, including skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and lessons. But it's not too fun when a ski lift malfunctions.

According to local ski patrols, a a mechanical failure at a New York ski resort left skiers hanging "25 to 40 feet in the air" Saturday evening.

Rescue Crews in New York State Save Skiers Stuck On Ski Lift

New York Upstate reports that a broken ski lift left a number of skiers stuck at the Bristol Mountain ski resort in Ontario County. A member of the Bristol Mountain Ski Patrol said that the broken ski lift left skiers stuck "25 to 40 feet" in the air late Saturday.

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Six chairs were cleared using ropes, according to New York Upstate. Crews initially used an auxiliary power source to get the skiers down, but rescuers had to switch to using ropes while mechanics figured out what had caused the lift to stop working, says the Bristol Mountain Ski Patrol.

After the issue was identified, patrols were able to unload guests using the auxiliary power source again. Fifteen chairs were unloaded at the top of the hill, says ski patrols.

Once down, patrol units used snowmobiles to shuttle people where they needed to get after getting off the lift, reports New York Upstate. The entire rescue took around an hour and a half, says officials.

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