Backyard Gardeners Invited to Take Home Seeds At Wappingers Event
A seed swap that invites gardeners of all ages to share in the bounty of the Hudson Valley will take place this month in Wappingers Falls.
Carnwath Community Farming has announced its second annual seed swap. According to organizers, last year's inaugural event was such a success that they decided to host it again.
What is a Seed Swap?
As the name suggests, a seed swap is an event where gardening enthusiasts get together during the winter months to discuss their hobby and exchange seeds from some of their favorite plants. It's a great way for backyard farmers to connect and share their love of the outdoors when their garden is covered in snow and frost.
Organizers of the Wappingers seed swap stress that attendees do not need to bring any of their own seeds to participate, as there are already plenty of donations. While sharing is encouraged, all amateur gardeners are welcome to come to the swap and bring home some seeds to plant this spring.
Experts will be on hand during the seed swap to answer questions and discuss their own gardening techniques. There will also be pizza, snacks, activities for kids and, of course, lots of seeds to share with the community.
Wappingers Falls Seed Swap Happening This Month
The Second Annual Seed Swap takes place at the River Valley Arts Center on South Mesier Avenue in the Village of Wappingers Falls on Tuesday, January 21. The three-hour event will begin at 5:30pm.
More details are available on the event's official Facebook page.
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Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez