Really? This Bar Is Using Inner Tubes To Keep Customers Socially Distant
Is this the future of bar hopping? Please tell us no. One bar taking a rather unique approach to getting customers back while remaining while keeping patrons safely apart.
A place called Fish Tales Bar & Grill in Ocean City, Maryland is using bumper tables to insure customers enjoy themselves, but also keep far enough apart. These inner tubes have wheels, so customers can move around. However, these ridiculous looking inner tubes stretch out enough to keep guests six apart.
WROC reports that the design comes from a company called Revolution Event Design and Production. Will this really catch on in other places like New York City or the Hudson Valley?
There are a lot of questions here. How about when people have to use the restroom? That kind of renders the tubes useless. What about customers sharing glasses to drink out of? Trying to maneuver these things around a tight bar space could also be a problem.
And what about folks who are too big to fit in one of these? America not only has a Coronavirus problem, but an obesity issue as well. This could be quite embarrassing for anyone who gets stuck. Maybe it would be better to stay home?
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