Multi Family Sale this Month in Port Ewen, NY
Now that summer is officially coming to a close you may think that the summer yard sale season is ending as well but you would be wrong. Yard Sale Season can stretch well into late October as long as the weather stays good.
Proof that I am not wrong is the number of yard sales you will see popping up on social media over the next few weeks and that includes the one I uncovered today.
Multi-Family Yard Sale in Port Ewen, NY
On Saturday, September 24th there will be a multifamily yard sale taking place in Port Ewen. The location will be 190 Broadway in Port Ewen which is also known as Route 9W.
Multi-family sales can be some of the best buying for those of us who are always on the yard sale circuit. More selection means more opportunities to buy items that you need or in my case want to resell.
Things You Should Know to Shop at a Yard Sale
Some of the things you want to remember when you are buying things at a yard sale are don't always assume you can offer a cheaper price, bring cash it makes paying for things much easier, and feel free to claim stuff you want to buy as you go. You can even make a pile.
Take any item you intend to purchase and put it somewhere that people cashing out can't mistake it for their own.
Yard sales and thrift shopping are fun but you have to treat them as a hunt. You never know what treasures and discounts you might find.
Need to clean out the basement check out this list of places to take your junk.
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