New York State To Help Fund Cost For Clean Water For Some Orange County Residents
It's an ongoing issue. The drinking water supply for residents around Lake Washington in the towns of New Windsor and Newburgh was found to be contaminated with PFOS and PFOA. To date, 51 wells have been tested and 26 have been found to have some contamination.
According to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, when you also factor in how close they are to Stewart International Airport, considered a State Superfund Site, New York State will now reimburse the towns for the costs associated with connecting these homes to the municipal water supply system.
The DEC and DOH will work with these towns to help make sure the residents have all the information they need so that they can quickly be connected to a clean and safe water supply. The work should be completed by this spring at a cost of $700,000.
For more information on this and other steps the DEC is taking to ensure safe, clean drinking water for New York residents, click here.