If you wear green, one local ice cream chain will let you pick up a cone for just 50 cents.

The promotion runs for just one day only; Saint Patrick's Day. Customers who show up sporting anything green will get to purchase a full-sized ice cream cone for just 50 cents. The deal is valid at all Stewart's Shops locations throughout the Hudson Valley.

While you can choose a scoop of any flavor ice cream, we suggest sticking with something green to keep the St. Patrick's Day celebration going. Stewart's offers Mint Cookie Crumble and Mint Chip at the cone counter. They also have other green selections available like Pistachio Gelato and a light version of Mint Chip.

Stewart's will also soon be unveiling the new limited edition spring flavors. We discovered the top secret list on their website, and it looks like this year they will offer Campfire S'mored, Raspberry Amaretto Cheesecake, Mounds of Coconut and Honey Grams ice cream.


The Hudson Valley is clearly ready for ice cream season., Now all we need is some warm weather.