Many people love food trucks because they offer a convenient meal while giving you plenty of unique menu options. You can find them set up anywhere across town from a major local event to a random city corner.

However, most consumers usually associate the mobile restaurants with burgers, tacos, or barbeque. According to a number of law enforcement, one Orange County food truck was selling a little more than just French fries.

Law Enforcement Brings Down Gun and Drug Operation Allegedly Being Run Out of Local Food Truck 

ABC says that a six month investigation, that involved almost forty agencies, has lead to the arrest of over thirty people. Officials said the sophisticated crime ring sold guns, cocaine, and fentanyl out of a local Jamaican food truck located in Newburgh.

See Also: Police Say New York State Man Arrested in Home Depot Parking Lot For Drugs

The Times Union says that an elaborate coordinated investigation known as Operation Hot Lunch used "wiretaps, undercover officers and search warrants" to bring down the food truck ring, that allegedly sold the guns and drugs from a parking lot across the street from the city of Newburgh courthouse.

Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler says it was the largest gun trafficking case in Orange County history.

The food truck has been seized as part of the ongoing investigation, according to ABC NY. .

See Also: How Bad is the Drug Epidemic in New York State?

These 6 New York Counties Have The Most Drug Overdose Deaths

New York State officials are worried because overdose death rates increased by 85 percent. Below are the top 6 counties in terms of opioid overdose deaths per 100,000.