Couple Gets Married at New York-Canadian Border to Get Around COVID Restrictions
Karen Mahoney and Brian Ray have known each other for 35 years. But, when they finally decided to settle down and and tie the knot, there was one big issue. He was from the U.S.. She is from Canada. Many of the restrictions at land crossings between the two countries still remain, even after a year and a half of COVID-19. Flying may have been an option, but the bride-to-be said some of her family is elderly, and she didn't want to potentially jeopardize their health by putting them on a flight.
What do do? Looks like they had a plan.
The couple told CNN they knew someone who worked for the border patrol. Their plan was to meet outside Burke, NY, near the Canadian border September 25. they were told they had to stay on their sides and not physically exchange anything. But while this all may sound a bit inconvenient, the bride really wanted her side of the family to witness the ceremony, including her 96-year-old grandmother. It's certainly a non-traditional setting for a ceremony, but it appears both sides were more than happy with the arrangements.
Burke, New York is a small town of just under 1,500 in Franklin County.
The American-Canadian border is the longest single border between two countries in the entire world. It is also the largest undefended border (at least, from a military sense) in the world as well. The state of New York shares 445 miles of border with our neighbors to the north. According to the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Canada, non-essential travel is still restricted until at least October 21, though that could be extended once again.