‘Concerning’ Threat Closes Hudson Valley School Tuesday
An ongoing investigation into a threat has shut down school for hundreds of students and staff.
The electronic message has been characterized as a threat against the entire school community, causing classes to be canceled early Tuesday morning.
In a letter sent to parents on Monday night, Superintendent of the Wappingers Central School District Dr. Dwight Bonk announced that the principal of Roy C. Ketcham received information that was perceived to be a threat to the students and staff.
Although specific details about the threat weren't immediately released to the public, police were alerted to the message and an investigation was launched just after 7pm on Monday night. New York State Police and the Dutchess County Sheriff's department were expected to continue the investigation into the overnight hours.
Early Tuesday morning the school district sent out a message that school would be canceled for all staff and students on February 22 due to the ongoing investigation.
The information that was shared could be perceived to be a threat directed at Roy C. Ketcham HS. As the safety of all students and staff remains our top priority, this information was immediately reported to the District Senior Staff administration, the New York State Police, and the Dutchess County Sheriff.
This is not the first online threat against the Roy C. Ketcham community. On January 19th, a Wappingers Central School District high school entered into a hold-in-place, and eventual early dismissal, due to a threat directed towards the school.
More detailed information about the most recent threat is expected later today. We will update this breaking story with more details as they become available.
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