A traffic alert has been issued for Route 55 in the LaGrange area for Saturday.

In a bulletin from the Town of LaGrange, officials are warning travelers to steer clear of Route 55 on Saturday evening between the hours of 6pm and 8pm. Lengthy delays, congestion and the detouring of cars is expected during this window of time.

The cause of the traffic backups is this year's LaGrange Festival of Lights Parade which will take place along the Route 55 business corridor. Traffic patterns in all directions will be affected by the parade, making it very difficult to get through the area on Saturday night.

If you're not a part of the parade and were unaware that the parade is taking place, it's advised that you take note of the time and avoid the area on Saturday evening.  Officials suggest taking alternate routes and staying away from Route 55 in LaGrange during the parade to avoid getting stuck in traffic.