Now that organized sports are back and kids have returned to the field, it's important to make sure they're physically ready to return to athletics.

Most parents assume that if their child has a yearly physical, they're up for anything. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Medical experts, like the doctors at The Children's Medical Group, need to know about your child's plans for engaging in sports so they can make sure your budding athlete is physically ready.

If your child's doctor is aware that your child is going to be dedicating most of their time to sports, they'll be able to answer specific questions you may have about their activity and make important suggestions for safely engaging in sports. Children who've spent the last year behind a screen could easily harm themselves if they jump right back into physical activity; that's why a trip to The Children's Medical Group is a must.

For example, my son has a history of asthma. You'd think that if a child is having their symptoms managed with an inhaler that they'd be good to go. However, your doctor may recommend a different type of inhaler or another medication if they learn that your child will suddenly be doing significantly more running or physical activity.

Other important things the doctors at The Children's Medical Group can suggest are stretching exercises and other preventive measures, like proper diet and sleep, that your child can use to maximize their energy and performance on the field.

When it comes to your child, you want to give them the best advantage to not only succeed but to enjoy all that sports have to offer without getting injured. A trip to The Children's Medical Group will go a long way to give them that extra boost and give you peace of mind knowing your child is prepared safely to do their best out on the field.

The Children's Medical Group has eight locations throughout the Hudson Valley, open weekends and has extended hours so you can get outstanding medical care for your child at your convenience. Visit them online at