Summer is finally here, and its a great time for vacation and home repairs, but don't let the scammers ruin all the fun.

The Ulster County District Attorney’s Division of Consumer Affairs is warning the public about popular summer scams.

The following are a few of the more common scams that are going around.

  1. Vacation Scams - Fake travel agents and websites use to-go-to-be-true deals only to take your money. Whether it’s a fake timeshare rental or a bogus Florida vacation, don’t let a vacation scam take you for a ride. Make sure the offer is legitimate by verifying the name, address and reputation of the company.
  2. Moving Scams - What is the mover's reputation? Before moving your household goods movers are required to give you the booklet entitled Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move.
  3. Concert Ticket Scams - Be wary of sellers who offer a sad tale as to why they can't use the tickets, only accept cash, want the money wired, or pressure you to act quickly.
  4. Door-to-Door Scam - What are the address, name, and reputation of the company that shows up unsolicited? Get all promises in writing. Never sign a contract that has an open-ended completion date or blank spaces.
  5. Employment Scams - Be wary of employers who require fees for training and background checks, or who tout "no experience needed"

The division of consumer affairs can be reached at (845) 340-3260.