You’ll Never Guess What’s Hiding Down This Wappingers Driveway
This average looking driveway leads to one of the most spectacular sights in the Hudson Valley.
If you're ever been on Sheafe Rd in Wappingers Falls you most likely passed right by one of the area's biggest hidden treasures without even noticing it. Just south of Sheafe Road Elementary School is the entrance to the Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery and Retreat Center.
Here's a short video by filmmaker Sal Basilone that gives an incredible glimpse into the beautiful sights and sounds of the monastery that's basically hidden in plain sight.
The monastery was founded in 1978 by Lama Norlha Rinpoch. And, according to their website, is a place of practice, study and work The monastery offers weekend seminars and special courses for those seeking enlightenment.
You wouldn't know that these incredible sights and activities are all happening just behind the modest sign on Sheafe Rd. A view from above shows just how big the property actually is, and the enormous size of the monastery, which is hidden far off down the driveway.
Over the past three decades the holy site has even been visited twice by the Dalai Lama, himself. More recently the Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery was the host of the 7th Annual North American Kagyu Monlam. The 5-day “Great Prayer Festival,” which kicked off on July 6 was intended to bring together people to pray for world peace.
The monastery is open all year to visitors and overnight guests. Those who are seeking meditation, study, and work are welcome by the monastery to stay for any length of time they wish. You will, however, be asked to help with chores. Reservations can be made on their website