Autumn's first major meteor shower peaks this weekend.

The annual Orionid meteor shower is coming and is caused as the Earth passes through the debris cloud left behind by Haley's Comet.

AccuWeather says that stargazers will start to see some meteor activity Friday and Saturday nights, but the peak time will be Sunday night and into early Monday morning. AccuWeather Astronomy Blogger Dave Samuhel said:

Activity is expected to be a little higher this year than in years past with 20 to 25 meteors per hour, but bright moonlight will be an issue.

A nearly full moon will may hinder some viewers from seeing some of the dimmer meteors as they burn up in Earth's atmosphere. However, forecasters are saying skies should remain mostly clear across the Hudson Valley and Eastern U.S. Sunday night, so the display won't be a total bust.

  • If possible, pick a location away from city lights
  • The meteors can be seen right after nightfall with the frequency gradually increasing as the night continues.
  • Best viewing will be after midnight and before dawn. To narrow the window, aim for when the Moon sets and morning twilight.