Is New York One of America’s Hardest Working States?
Americans put in a lot of work hours every year. In fact, the World Economic Fund says that we average 1,791 hours of work per year.
But if you want to look at where the hardest Americans live, you have to factor in a lot of data. WalletHub has put together a study on America's hardest working states, and New York's rank may surprise some.
Do we agree with this study? Where did they come up with these numbers?
How They Came Up With Their Rankings
WalletHub weighed Direct Work Factors, which include; average workweek hours, employment rate, the share of households where no adults work, and unused vacation time. There are also a few rather gray areas, such as idle youth (18 to 24 year-olds who are not currently enrolled in school, not working and have no degree beyond a high school diploma or GED), or share of engaged workers. This is basically those who are “involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace,” as defined by Gallup.
How Hard Do New Yorkers Work?
New York's rank? We're 48th. According to this study, New York ranked dead last in the above-described Direct Factors. There were also Indirect Factors; such as commute time, workers with multiple jobs, volunteer hours, and leisure time spent per day. In that case, we fared a little better at 23rd.
But according to some of the individual categories, New York was 48th in overall employment.

A lot of Northeastern states didn't do so well, as Connecticut was 45th, Massachusetts 44th, New Jersey 43rd, and Pennsylvania 38th. North Dakota was 1st overall, followed by Alaska, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
However, the Same Website Ranked NY #1 For This
Since COVID, record numbers of Americans have quit their jobs. Some simply don't want to be in the office around others anymore, while others have sighted staffing shortages and increased workload demands. Workers seem to be quitting in droves. A number of these people resigning don't even have other jobs lined up when they quit.
WalletHub conducted a study of all 50 states and the District of Columbia to find out where people have quit in the last month, as well as the last 12 months. It looks like Alaska leads the nation in employees quitting. South Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, and Kentucky rounded out the top five for resignations.
Where is New York?
According to this study, New Yorkers have the least amount of employees walking away from their jobs in the entire nation (the state was 51st overall). Connecticut was 49th, Massachusetts 48th, Pennsylvania 47th, and New Jersey 44th.
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