The Grinch Comes to NY! Someone Steals 130 Christmas Trees from Conservation
In a rather unusual case of criminal mischief, a thief made off with one hundred thirty evergreen saplings from a tree and shrub sale in Warren County.
The Post Star says that the seedlings were part of the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District's annual tree and shrub sale. The District Manager said 13 bundles of10 trees — balsam firs, Canaan firs and blue spruce, were pulled out of the ground the weekend of May 12.
Syracuse.com is reporting that the theft happened near district's offices in Warrensburg, New York.
Now who would want that many Christmas trees? Did the Grinch happen to visit New York state in early May?
The total loses were only around $100 to $120 dollars, but it's the principal of the matter. The Warren County Sheriff's Office was contacted after the trees went missing. Police recommended the district install cameras on their property.