Seal Spotted in Cold Spring
This Hudson Valley visitor gets our "seal" of approval.
It was a beautiful weekend in the Hudson Valley and by Sunday, once it warmed up just a little, everyone was out and about.
Even a seal.
Yes, you read that right. On Sunday, February 16th, Kevin Bierfeldt was walking his dog down by the Cold Spring waterfront when he saw a seal hanging out and enjoying the day. Kevin's fiancé Breana posted the photos to The Hudson Valley in Pictures group on Facebook and explained that seal was playful and making noise right by the dock.
Is it strange to see a seal in the Hudson River? Sure. However, it's not uncommon. The Department of Environmental Conservation explains that if it's unseasonably warm young harp seals could make their way up the Hudson.
Last year there were several seal sightings around the Hudson Valley in Kingston and Hyde Park. Have you seen seals navigating the Hudson?
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