Police say two crooks decided to rob a bodega in New York, the only problem was that neither of these buffoonish hoodlums took into account just how tough the store's cash register would really be.

The NY Post says the alleged crime took place October 21, though police just released the surveillance video Monday. Police say early that morning, a man entered the Thunder Deli in Brooklyn to buy water. Then, unexpected to the store employees, another man sneaked in behind him carrying a gun. The Post says the first man grabbed the clerk working the counter, while his armed accomplice goes behind the register in an attempt to grab the loot.

With his gun pointed at the clerk, the second man then tries to open the register only to find it won't budge. The video shows the man attempt to open the register before finally giving up and fleeing. Police say after all the trouble, both men left the deli without anything.

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