The day after the Super Bowl is National Football Hangover Day.

Planning a big party for the big game? Planning on doing a lot of drinking and have to be to work on Monday? The Monday after the Super Bowl is recognized as National Football Hangover Day. Who knew?

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According to National Day Calendar, National Football Hangover Day was established in 2019 by National Day Calendar and ESPN host and sports personality Katie Nolan. Every year since 1967, football fans have participated in the most-watched football event in America, where friends gather together to celebrate, place friendly wagers, and indulge in food and drink, some in more excess than others. Its estimated that nearly 14 million people call into work "sick" the day aftet the Super Bowl.

Will You Be Nursing a Hangover on Monday?

The Big Game this Sunday is going to be a great game according to many, with the San Francisco 49ers at Kansas City Chiefs. There will be parties all over the Hudson Valley area with plenty of drinking and eating going on. Nobody wants to go to work the next following the Super Bowl, but many don't have a choice. Its crazy to think of how many people actually will actually be calling out of work sick on Monday. Hopefully the football action and highly anticpated commercials on Sunday will be worth it. Will you be working on Monday with a hangover? I know I will be.

Check out hangover cures that might or might not make it all better.

Hangover Cures That Might Or Might Not Make It All Better!

The internet is full of ways to fend off that next day hangover from a night on the town or for the big game. We've gathered 10 of those together for you to see if you're brave enough to give a try!

Gallery Credit: JD Knite

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Gallery Credit: Chad Childers, Loudwire